Monthly Archives: September 2016

New Item! Around the Piano Supplement #3 “The Eye of the Seeker” $13 includes shipping and handling

THE EYE OF THE SEEKER  is a new, original song by singer-songwriter, Frankie Valinda Ghee.  This song is about improving our life experiences by focusing on that which makes us joyful. Although working toward change can be an important component of one’s personal character, it is worthwhile to dedicate time to appreciate what is right with our lives and each other.  If we constantly look for faults in our community and the people in it,  we will spend every moment at battle against something.  We miss opportunities to lighten the lives of others with good news and reminders of beauty.  There is peace in the world.  We have to be willing to notice it.  There is beauty in everyone.  Let’s allow ourselves to recognize it.

AROUND THE PIANO SUPPLEMENTS are individual songs and lessons created  with the same goals as the ten original Around the Piano songs: getting young people singing, writing and talking about issues related to integrity and character.

Like all ATP songs, the supplements can be taught quickly. The easy piano parts are optional and  can be embellished or simplified to match your piano skills.

While we recommend starting with the full ATP workbook and adding the supplements as they become available, you will get everything you need to get started with your purchase.  You even have access to our team for ideas and examples.  We will email you a demonstration audio file when we send out your supplemental workbook.


Character Day 2016


#CharacterDay2016 Come sing, talk, and compose with us! 

Yes, we are mere days away. Come alone or with friends and or family. Bring your open mind, your sense of humor, and the voice you have. Music Rocks, Rolls, and reaches. 

When: 9/22/16 4:30pm

Where: Downtown Spokane Public Library/906 W Main

Who: Any and Every- young children are welcome with a supervising adult

Why: Joy, Community, Personal Inquiry